Sunday, 4 November 2007

The Glass Ceiling

Carrying the mantle for radical feminism between my legs isn't easy. Not even for me, Belinda Swallows - wife, mother, sister, daughter. Actually none of those are true except the last one but it sounds good, doesn't it? The point is I am a woman. A woman putting her arse, pussy and breasts out there in full view of men, just to get a better deal for other women. And instead of every single woman getting behind me and admiring my hot figure, they write to me and abuse me, saying that my fucking has nothing to do with eliminating the glass ceiling.

That is absolute rubbish. In fact I took a major step on behalf of all women this weekend when I was in bed at S's place. As I wiped at least six gallons of cum from my face I looked up and found myself staring at the mirrors on the ceiling. Yep, a glass ceiling. It made me so angry that I turned on him and demanded to know why I didn't see it before.

"Well you crawled into the bedroom on your hands and knees. And then I pushed your face down into the pillow and fucked you.

"If I'd known I was going to get fucked under a glass ceiling I wouldn't have done it," I said. "You've violated my rights you bastard." I felt really strongly about this and I didn't want S to think he could get away with asserting his male dominance and further damaging the political, economic and social rights of women without a fight. I had to stand up for women everywhere.

S said he was really sorry and I immediately forgave him.

"What can I do to make it better," he said?

"Well," I replied, "I think I have to redress the balance of power in this relationship."

"How about if I tie you up, slap you and call you a dirty, cheap, slut whore?"

I smiled. "That would be perfect" I said.


Gorilla Bananas said...

Bravo! You're like a bare-titted Amazon warrior queen, fighting for the sisterhood. May I call you 'Ma'am'?

Luka said...

Quite so, Belinda. But why no cleavage shots on your blog to illustrate your pert(inent) points?

Belinda Swallows said...

Oh believe me Gorilla, I won't stop fucking and fighting until the battle is won. I don't exactly know which battle but it doesn't matter as long as I'm fucking for a reason. I would prefer if you did not resort to stereotypical name calling. "Hot fuckbabe" would be preferred.

Luka, I have seen your blog and I believe you make fun of sex bloggers which just shows how much you hate women and are part of the entrenched partriarchy. I'll get my tits out when I'm ready.

Freddy said...

belinda - I think you'll find that Luka targets sex bloggers male and female.
And she shows her bits (but wrapped in clingfilm to emphasse that the showing is an ironic expression of how the patriarchical society views women as meat).